Friday, March 28, 2008

so today was the work interviews i thought they wnet well.
so we did that @ 9 but we all stayed uo late so we woke up all tired, espically atoine,
so then we got back home and cilla and max fixed a lunch, it was really good, then
we had one on one meeting with steph, and she told us where we were working.
im workign @ the early years walk in place, it gonna be good there, im only workign there cuz they really wanted me there, i guess i selled my self too much on that one, i wnated to work @ the reserve, but it want a place i didnt wanna work @, it was my top 4. so i guess im excited to work.
then a bunch of ppl went to value mart...the grocery store, and vic and i broused in stores aroung town, the sale rack @ one store is ok, but theres nothign there.

then we went to the grocery store and rove home.
@ home ppl fixed up dinner...lazy good,
after dinner a bunch if us went on a walk on the lake then antoine and i climbed up this rock thing, it was soo nice there, it was crazy.

so then we went for a long walk to the rec center, we stoped by the bowling alley, and foung the times there, and general store and then the rec center, that closes @ 4, it fucking sucks. so then we walked back. and we saw teenagers.

@home em is making funnifs.

-were all bitching about josianne cuz no one wants to deal with her drama, she cried again today, but no one cared cuz all she wants is the attention.
-i donno if i like my job, hopefuly ill like it.
-its a pretty nice town, nice ppl
- the tourist center is closed, its open during tourist season, which is ...never.

thurs was work interviews, then a bunch of us went on a hike on the lake then antoine and i went up the small mountian thing, it was so nice there, i think imma god for me time, its too beautiful there, we also explored behind our house

and vic, em and i went for a long walk and ahd so many funny times that night

1 comment:

Angelika said...

why is she crying? did i miss something? lol. yay drama. do tell.